Sparta scouts get West Point experience

| 11 Jun 2015 | 01:17

— Last month 62 scouts and scouters from Troop 150 ventured up to West Point for the Scoutmaster’s Camporee.

While there, the boys were able to reinforce scouting skills and compete with scouts all over the country in certain games. Some of these skills included tying knots, running obstacle courses and knowing scouting trivia.

Overall, the Scouts were able to have fun, and learn valuable skills that will aid them in their scouting future.

The West Point Scoutmaster’s Camporee was a grand Camporee consisting of Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, and Venturer Scouts. The troops came from all over the United States. Only a limited number of scout troops are invited to this event.

The scouts were able to get a close look at military weapons and even hold them themselves. Some were able to look around and learn about scouting’s history by going through the scouting museum. Some were able to get their faces painted through camouflaged.

Others got real dirty going through the challenging obstacle course known as Ranger’s Challenge. This consisted of carrying heavy water jugs, jumping walls, and crawling through mud. It was one of the most strenuous exercises that the boys had to do all day, and one of the most memorable parts of the trip.

Another memorable part of the trip was meeting cadets including Troop 150 alumni Eagle Scout Dylan Panicucci from Sparta. He graduated in the Top 10 of his class at Sparta High School and is now a first year cadet, or Plebe, as they call it at West Point.

“Stick with scouting. There are certain times when you feel pressured or sometimes you might even want to quit. However, Boy Scouts has a lot of value in the future and will help you greatly. Trust me,” Panicucci said to the scouts.

Troop 150 had a great time in the Camporee, and wish that soon they will get the opportunity to come to it again.