SCCC announces logo design contest winner

Youth. Sussex County Community College (SCCC) Teen Arts has announced that Anthony Klein, a graphic design student at SCCC, has won the Teen Arts logo design contest and his work will be prominently on display on Tuesday, March 17 at the college's Teen Arts Festival.

| 02 Mar 2020 | 02:00

Sussex County Teen Arts has announced the winner of the design contest for the Annual Sussex County Teen Arts Festival. The winning design was created by Anthony Klein, a 12th grade Graphic Design student at Sussex County Technical School. Klein’s artwork will be prominently displayed on promotional and information materials for the 51st Annual Sussex County Teen Arts Festival on Tuesday, March 17 held at Sussex County Community College (SCCC).

Students from schools throughout Sussex County will assemble at SCCC for a day celebrating creative writing, dance, instrumental music, theater, film making, visual art, and vocal music. Workshops, demonstrations and performances will take place throughout the day. Performances will be critiqued by professionals from the tristate area. The art exhibit is open to the public March 25 through April 17 during college hours.

The Teen Arts Festival has been made possible through funding from SCCC, School Districts of Sussex County, and donations from the Aeroflex foundation, individuals and businesses. Funding has been available in part by the New Jersey State Council on the Arts/Department of State, a Partner Agency of the National Endowment for the Arts, through the State/County Partnership Block Grant program, administered by the Sussex County Arts and Heritage Council. Additional funding is provided by the Sussex County Board of Chosen Freeholders.

Sussex County students first participated in the State Teen Arts Festival in 1969. SCCC has sponsored the Teen Arts Festival in Sussex County since 1989. For more information on the day’s events, contact Anita Collins at SCCC provides an affordable, high quality education in a broad range of fields of interest.

For more information about SCCC and its degree and certificate programs, visit