Sparta Junior Woman's Club installs new leadership
SPARTA - The Junior Woman's Club of Sparta held its installation dinner at Francesa's Restaurant on April 5. Shirley Holly, director of junior clubs for the New Jersey State Federation of Women's Clubs swore in new officers President Kathi Hoffman, First Vice President Jaci Pierson, Second Vice President Lisa Chiariello, Third Vice President Deirdre Mastandrea, Treasurer Lisa Lake and Secretary Dayle Schwesinger. In attendance from the Sparta Woman's Club was laison Patricia Giantonio and representing the NJSFWC-Junior Membership was AlexAnn Borkowski, northern assistant director; Nancy Levy community improvement chairman; and Lois Cennamo, 10th district advisor. Special awards were presented to club members for outstanding efforts during the year, including "Rookie of the Year" awarded to Dana Mitchell, and the "Junior Fever" award given to Kathi Hoffman, at both the club and district levels. Hoffman will compete on the state level, which will be announced at the state convention on May 22. The club celebrated the end of another successful year, raising more than $31,390, and distributed those funds to 34 charities, scholarships, and non-profit organizations. Significant contributions were made to Ginnie's House, Canine Companions for Independence and approximately $12,000 of donated toys and gifts were donated to families in need in Sussex County. Founded in 1967, the Junior Woman's Club of Sparta is part of the General Federation of Women's Clubs, the largest and oldest nondenominational, non-partisan, international, volunteer service organization of women in the world. The GFWC celebrated the 114th anniversary of its founding on April 24. Membership is open to all women in the local area between age 18 and 40. Currently there are more than 69 members in the Junior Woman's Club of Sparta. For more information, visit or call 973-300-7309.