Newton Cheer Explosion headed to the beach
NEWTONThe girls of the-Newton Cheer Explosion competition cheerleading squads are preparing for the CANAM lnternational Cheerleading Competitions, March 18-20, in Myrtle Beach, S.C NCE is a part of the Newton Junior Athletic League, a non-profit organization which supports sport programs for the children of the Newton School District, including Andover, Green and Newton, ages K-8. NCE consists of 39 girls and two teams ranging from third to eighth grade. Both squads earned a championship bid to attend the international event while competing in Milford, Pa., this past January. The teams have been competing this season throughout New Jersey and northern Pennsylvania since October 2004. The Super squad consisting of 16 girls ages 9-12 have worked hard to come together as a team. The Midget squad of 23 members ranging from fifth-eighth grade who claimed the EGA national champions title in March of 2004 in Williamsburg, Va., are hoping to bring home the title again. The squad has continually placed first throughout the season against teams from New Jersey and are anxious to compete against teams from all across the United States while in Myrtle Beach. This year, the NCE program entered a group of five girls in grades 6-8 in the Partner Stunt Division, which includes Brittney Castimore, Crystel Napolitano, Rebecca Presher, Carrie Senior and Kristin Wilton, who won the championship title and a first-place bid for the International competition, also held in Myrtle Beach. The team is accepting donations in the form of sponsorship to help cover the cost of the trip which is approximately $800 per person. If you would like to help send these girls to the beach, call (908) 852-4552 or send in donations made payable to "NJAL Cheerleading" P.O. Box 163, Newton, NJ 07860.