Coming up at the Cornerstone Playhouse
Sussex. Patrons will enjoy music inspired by a bygone era with The Watershed Band, and a special Halloween performance by the mature rockers of Our Marvelous Lives (OML).

The Cornerstone Playhouse in Sussex is presenting two special performances in the coming weeks.
The Watershed Band, Oct. 23
Brothers Tommy and Leon Kafafian started The Watershed Band as a nameless passion project, intending to use the time to hang out and focus on writing songs. They share a love for the outdoors as much as they do for music, and they wanted to give the band a name that was true to their roots.
The Watershed Band is a reminder of days past when boys could be boys and the only call you ever got was your mother calling you for dinner from the backdoor as the sun was setting out over the pond. With roots deep in classic albums, The Watershed Band puts the focus back on songs and brings back a by-gone era when music was the soundtrack of our lives.
They’re returning with special guests Busking Dan Ramos. Ramos can be found outside The Cornerstone playing tunes on the street. Singing since the age of 7. An independent band from New Jersey, solo (K), led by Ryan Kwedlo, will also appear after the recent release of their first record title, “Shrinking Violets,” a mix of singer-songwriter alternative music and a love letter to records they grew up on.
Our Marvelous Lives (OML), Oct. 30
Our Marvelous Lives (OML) is playing a Halloween show at the Cornerstone Theatre in Sussex on Oct. 30.
Dress up in a costume and win cash prizes.
OML is a northern New Jersey based group influenced by many musical styles. The group plays across the rock and alternative/singer-songwriter genres, with a rock-n-roll storytelling lyrical palate that layers guitar, drums, bass, and keys with vocal harmonies. They are neither “super heavy,” nor really “soft,” not heavy metal, and not “yacht rock.” The band features a polished and professional attitude garnered from years of playing semi-professionally.
The Cornerstone Playhouse is a nonprofit dedicated to presenting the Arts in the Greater Sussex County Area. Funding has been made available in part by the New Jersey State Council on the Arts/Department of State, a Partner Agency of the National Endowment for the Arts, through the State/County Partnership Block Grant Program, as administered through the Sussex County Arts and Heritage Council.