‘Divide and share’: Wantage to host fall plant exchange
Wantage. The exchange on Sept. 25 is a chance to share your “extras” and take home some new plants from your neighbors.

Divide and share your crowded perennials. Early fall is a great time to divide spring bloomers like astilbe, daylilies, iris, hosta, and peonies.
The Wantage Township Plant Exchange on Sept. 25 is a chance to share your “extras” and take home some new plants from your neighbors.
This is Wantage’s third plant exchange, and it’s proven to be popular. You don’t have to bring a plant to participate.
“We have attendees from many neighboring towns, not just Wantage residents. Folks have a great time talking about various plants, gardening issues and the like,” said Susan Weiss, a member of the Wantage Recreation Committee. “Representatives from the Native Plant Society and New Jersey Deer Control will be there, and they have a lot of useful information to share. Also, there are always plenty of ‘extras,’ and we encourage everyone to take plants.”
Wantage hosts both a spring and a fall plant exchange, typically in May and September. Many plants can be divided and planted either in the spring or in the fall. Both seasons are busy for gardeners.
In general, spring bloomers can be divided and transplanted in late summer/early fall, while late summer/fall bloomers can be divided and transplanted early in the spring.
Feel free to post any plants you would like to find at this event as well as plants you are bringing to share on the Wantage Recreation and Parks Facebook page (#wantagerecreation, #wantageplantexchange). In past exchanges, ornamental grasses, small trees and a variety of shrubs have been shared as well as a variety of flowering perennials.
If you have plants to share, come early, so that attendees have a chance to take your plants.