Christ Episcopal Church in Newton will present the Festival of Nine Lessons & Carols at 7 p.m. Sunday, Dec. 22.
The worship service includes nine Bible stories interspersed with Christmas carols, which depict the fall of humanity, the promise of the Messiah and the birth of Jesus.
The renowned Christ Church Senior Choir and Junior Choir will perform accompanied by organ, piano and a string quartet under the direction of Choirmaster Joseph Mello and Junior Choir director Deborah Mello.
Works by Cherwien, Forrest, Goemanne, Ord, Rutter, Willan and Wilkcocks will be presented along with settings of traditional carols and anthems.
There will be several opportunities for the public to sing carols.
The Rev. Chris Streeter will preside. Piano and organ accompaniment will be provided by Diana Greene.
The event is free and open to the public, although a free will offering will be taken.
Christ Church is at 62 Main St., Newton.
For information, call 973-383-2245 or go online to christchurchnewton.org