Hear the Imperial Brass perform in free online program
Milford. In this latest program from Kindred Spirits Arts, the audience will be treated to classical, operatic, and patriotic favorites.

The Imperial Brass will be entertaining its audience online, in a free performance sponsored by the Kindred Spirits Arts Program.
The performance may be heard at 7:30 p.m. on Friday, Nov. 6, at kindredspirtsarts.org. Members of the audience may ask questions live on Facebook and YouTube chat.
Delighting audiences across their native New Jersey and beyond for more than 25 years, this expert ensemble has also made impressive recordings. Hear them perform arrangements of classical music, operatic favorites, and patriotic band repertoire.
Kindred Spirits Arts Programs is a nonprofit organization of volunteers dedicated to bringing high-quality performances to Pike County and beyond, and to offering stimulating school programs for children. It is supported in part by Pennsylvania Council on the Arts, the National Endowment for the Arts, and by business and private donors. The organization welcomes donations, which may be made on its website.
For more information call 570-409-1269 or email kindredspir@yahoo.com.