Pumpkins, decorations, and fun: Kiwanis holds festival to show appreciation
| 13 Oct 2019 | 04:32

Pumpkin painting was a part of the fun at a Sparta Kiwanis family event on Sunday, Oct. 13, 2019. (

Attendees were able to select a pumpkin and paint it this Sunday, Oct. 13, 2019 at the Sparta VFW. It was part of a Sparta Kiwanis effort to thank the community for supporting Kiwanis programs throughout the year. (

Children and parents create fun decorations out of paper plates at Kiwanis Family Fun Day on Sunday, Oct. 13, 2019. (
Kiwanis Annual Family Fall Festival was held at the Sparta VFW , 66 Main Street in Sparta from noon until 4 p.m. on Sunday Oct. 13, 2019. The Kiwanians hold the annual event to show appreciation for the community's generous support of Kiwanis programs throughout the year.
To learn more about Sparta Kiwanis, call Jim at 973 670 1327 or Jack at 973 876 1747.