Spring in Bloom virtual auction to raise money for housing needs
Newton. The auction sponsored by Family Promise of Sussex County is being held from March 4 to 7.

Family Promise of Sussex County is holding its biggest fundraiser of the year, Spring in Bloom, from March 4 to 7. This live auction will be conducted online this year because of the pandemic.
Local businesses, associations, and private individuals have donated golf foursomes, designer handbags, jewelry, local gift certificates, and home items, among other items and services.
All of the proceeds generated will benefit Family Promise, a non-profit, that supports people in the community facing a housing crisis.
The agency provides services to assist families, as well as single men and women, as the work towards housing stability and self-sufficiency. Family Promise offers a range of programs to address growing community needs, such as Shelter Diversion, Food Shelf, Heat and Energy Assistance, Rehousing and Homeless Prevention and COVID specific housing assistance.
The link for the online auction may be found at familypromisesussex.org.