Welcome back, Welcome Party
Milford. “All Trails Lead to Milford” is the theme as the pandemic eases and a treasured Milford tradition returns on June 19.

With the McDade Trail, Pinchot Greenway, and trails to the Knob, Cliff Trail and elsewhere emanating from Milford Borough, “All Trails Lead to Milford” is the apt theme for this year’s annual Welcome Party to benefit the Milford Enhancement Committee.
The Welcome Party returns on Saturday, June 19, after a one-year pandemic-induced hiatus. Following current Centers for Disease Control (CDC) Covid protocols, the event will be held outside under an open-sided tent in Milford Borough.
The Lost Ramblers, a string band that specializes in bluegrass and “old time” music will be performing.
“We’ve got a great group of co-chairs that includes people new to our community as well as those who were born here or have deep roots in Pike County,” said co-chair Eileen Smith, who is also serving as the event’s overall coordinator. “I’m especially enthusiastic about having the Lost Ramblers perform!”
In addition to the live musical performance from the Lost Ramblers, the event will feature great food, donated by more than 20 local restaurants, wine and beer and a live auction.
The money raised by the Welcome Party helps the Milford Enhancement Committee make the county seat a better place to live, visit, and do business. The results are seen in new sidewalks, curbing, landscaping, and historic lighting throughout the business district. The last party, in 2019, was attended by 300 people and raised $70,000.
“The Welcome Party builds stronger networks within our community and helps the Milford Enhancement Committee continue to invest in Milford,” noted co-chair Tom Hoff, whose family has hosted the Welcome Party in recent years on the empty lot next to their home on Ann Street.
Donations to the auction are still being accepted. For more information email MilfordEnhancementCommittee@gmail.com.
Essential information
When: Saturday, June 19, from 3 to 7 p.m.
Where: 108 West Ann St. Milford Borough
How much: $50
Tickets: Email MilfordEnhancement.com or mail a check payable to “MEC” POB 1172, Milford PA. 18337
Information: Call Eileen Smith at 570-832-4789 or email MilfordEnhancementCommittee@gmail.com