Wine tasting, fine food and auction
Sparta. Plans are in the works for the annual 'Great Expectations' wine tasting and auction on Oct. 27 at Lake Mohawk. There are several way to participate, including in person or online.

The 16th Annual Grape Expectations Wine Tasting, Fine Food and Live Auction will be held at 3 to 6:30 p.m. on Sunday, Oct. 27 at the Lake Mohawk Country Club, 21 The Boardwalk in Sparta. For more information or to be a sponsor, call the Samaratin Inn at 973-940-8872.
The cost is $65 per person which includes wine tasting, live music, an array of culinary delights, silent and live auction, featuring auctioneer, Ray Cordts.
Auction Items include: Artwork, Get Away Trips, Designer Handbags, Electronics, Sports Tickets, Gift Cards, Holiday Items, Latest Kitchen Appliances & Cookware, Entertainment Tickets, Jewelry, Children’s’
Gifts and more.
Support is sought in the following areas:
Event participation.
Online participation for the silent auction items.
Auction item donation (items must be a value of $50 or more)
Ad placement in Grape Expectation Auction Journal
Event sponsorship
Monetary donations, if unable to attend the event.