2019 Poster Contest
Youth. Project Help is holding its Third Annual Poster Contest for children in kindergarten through high school. This year thousands of students are expected to participate.

Project Help has announced the theme for its Third Annual Poster Contest. In 2019 the veteran’s aid group launched its mobile closet. Therefore art students are being asked to focus their creativity on the Project Help vehicle, a converted school bus that brings clothing and other necessities to retired military individuals and families statewide.
Last year hundreds of school children from throughout New Jersey submitted their handiwork. This year thousands are expected to participate.
All students - kindergarten through high school - are eligible to share their artistry and creativity. In the coming weeks art teachers will be contacted with the contest details. Individual teachers can also reach out to Project Help to sign up and young artists can participate independently if their schools aren’t entering the contest.
All artwork will need to be submitted by Feb.21, 2020. Entries will be judged on design, originality and content. Prizes will be awarded in four grade level groups.
The winners and their families will be invited to a dinner award ceremony.
Winning entries will be displayed on social media, the Project Help website and at events to support the mission of serving our veterans.
For entry forms or more information about the poster contest or Project Help go to www.projecthelp.us or call 973-875-2068.