Art Fetzer and his sons sprinkle secret spices on barbecue chicken at the Sussex County Board of Agriculture pavilion at the fairgrounds. (Photo provided)
The Sussex County Board of Agriculture will hold its 80th annual Chicken BBQ from 5 to 7 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 23 at the Sussex County Fairgrounds on Plains Road in Augusta.
Tickets cost $16.50, which includes a half-chicken, fresh local corn and tomatoes, dinner roll and fresh baked local cookies. Eat there or take out the food.
Tickets must be purchased before Sept. 17 at Brodhecker Farm, Ideal Farms, Space Farms, the Sussex County Fairgrounds, Sussex County Farmers Market at the fairgrounds or Sussex Meat Packing.
They also may be purchased online at https://sussexcountyboardofagriculture.org/chicken-bbq-tickets/ols/products/chicken-bbq-tickets