Family Promise of Sussex County holds its ‘Bid to Build a Better Future’ auction fundraiser Friday, June 2 at the Newton Country Club.
Family Promise of Sussex County will host its “Bid to Build a Better Future” auction fundraiser from 5:30 to 9:30 p.m. Friday, June 2 at the Newton Country Club, 25 Club Road.
Special items, including Seton Hall basketball tickets, a seven-night vacation and salon packages, will be available during the online auction from noon Wednesday, May 31 to 5:30 p.m. Friday.
Tickets cost $95 for one or $175 for two. Tickets are limited; they may be ordered online at https://familypromisesussex.charityproud.org/Donate/?cid=15576
For information, go online to https://familypromisesussex.org/