Habitat for Humanity units merge
REGION. Habitat for Humanity Northwest New Jersey aims to perform more than 100 home repair projects, begin construction on eight homes and open a ReStore location in Sussex County this year.

The Habitat for Humanity affiliates of Sussex and Warren counties have merged into Habitat for Humanity Northwest New Jersey (Habitat NWNJ).
The Sussex County Habitat for Humanity, formed in 1993, has built homes for 13 families, performed numerous repairs, and formed strong partnerships with organizations such as the Scouts of America, Rebecca’s Homestead, Katie’s House and the Sussex County Fairgrounds.
The Warren County Habitat for Humanity began in 1999. It has built 25 homes and served several hundred families through its home repair program. It also runs two ReStore locations and a community center.
The nonprofit organization said the merger will allow the two affiliates to combine resources and opportunities for land acquisition and construction.
Habitat for Humanity Northwest New Jersey aims to perform more than 100 home repair projects, begin construction on eight homes and open a ReStore location in Sussex County this year.
Habitat NWNJ is seeking volunteers to perform repairs, to join its two regular construction crews in Warren and Sussex counties, to work with customers and pre-loved items at their ReStores in Washington, and to help by joining a committee or assisting the office staff.
For information, go online to habitatnwnj.org