Kittatinny student wins Good Citizen Award
NEWTON. Senior Riley Hough is now competing at the state level in Daughters of the American Revolution contest.
Newton /
| 20 Jan 2023 | 10:25

Senior Riley Hough has received the Kittatinny Regional High School’s 2023 Daughters of the American Revolution Good Citizen Award.
Each of 11 public and private schools in the Sussex County region selects a Good Citizen Award winner.
Riley also was chosen to receive the Chinkchewunska chapter’s 2022 Good Citizen Award.
Her application advances to the state level.
She is the first Kittatinny student in eight years to win this award by demonstrating the qualities of a good citizen in her personal life, her school life and her community life.
The main characteristics used in the selection are dependability, service, leadership and patriotism.