New film festival accepting submissions
NEWTON. Wednesday is deadline for films to be part of the first Alpha Arts Film Festival in May.

As part of the vision to provide a platform for creation and promotion of original work, Alpha Arts Institute at Sussex County Community College (SCCC) will premier the Alpha Arts Film Festival (AAFF).
The institute is seeking film submissions from local, national and international filmmakers.
AAFF aims to develop a vibrant environment for producing, discussing, and screening student, amateur and professional films.
Interested filmmakers must use a live link to access the AAFF submission page:
The link is available on the SCCC website at or can be requested by email to
Submissions close Wednesday, April 5, with late submissions for an additional two weeks.
Filmmakers will be notified of their film’s selection by April 19.
The entry fee is $20 per film submission and $10 for students. Late submissions can be entered for an additional $5.
AAFF will take place May 4-7 at SCCC. Selected films will be screened in the college’s Student Center Theater, which has been upgraded with state-of-the-art audio-visual equipment, including an 18-foot screen and an HD laser projector.
AAFF features category film competitions for professionals, amateurs and students. Jurors, guest lecturers, faculty and teachers provide an opportunity for students and aspiring filmmakers to receive feedback from peers and professionals alike.
The categories for selection and recognition:
• High Drama. Narrative films focused on storytelling with exciting plot twists, snappy dialogue and excellence in dramatic performance.
• Visual Artistry. Films that show excellence in cinematography, a unique camera style and/or focus on imagery to tell a story.
• Arts Saturated. Dance- and/or music-related, such as music videos, dance performance and experimental films.
• Conversation Starters. Fiction or documentary films on hot topics that spark discussion and relate to students, education, or local, national and international issues.
Each category will receive recognition via laurels in a stepped category of “winner(s)” and “finalist(s).” A distinct category is reserved for “Honorable Mentions.”
The films will be judged and selected to be shown in segments that reflect the vibrant visual and performing arts and humanities programs offered at the college and serve the goals of the Alpha Arts Institute.
Film experts from the SCCC faculty and professionals from the community will collaborate to produce the festival and serve on the committee to adjudicate the film submissions, led by Daniel Cosentino, dean of arts and humanities at the College.
Faculty members and community members supporting the project are Veronica Coyne, Anne Abrams, Barbara Moonsammy, Allison Ognibene, Anthony Ur, James Jeffreys, Kelly Barta, Michael Ventesco, Taylor Cacici, Vincent Vitale and Michael Hughes. In addition, Donald Berry, president of MagazineXperts, is helping the team with marketing and promotion.
The project initially was inspired by Michael Hughes, alumnus and associate professor of art at SCCC, and is the realization of a long-awaited dream to have a film festival on campus.
“I have always been inspired by Peter Jackson’s quote about film, ‘The most honest form of filmmaking is to make a film for yourself,’ “ he said. “I wish to promote film as an exciting and rewarding program of study. As a lifetime committed film buff, I want to sit in our theater audience and embrace personal cinematic visions unencumbered by commercial considerations.”
Funding for Alpha Arts Institute has been made available in part by the New Jersey State Council on the Arts/Department of State, a Partner Agency of the National Endowment for the Arts, through the State/County Partnership Block Grant Program, as administered by the Sussex County Arts and Heritage Council.