New scholarship offered for agricultural studies
SUSSEX COUNTY. The annual scholarship honors Grace Honigsberg, a member of the Sussex County Board of Agriculture who died in 2022.

The Sussex County Board of Agriculture is offering a new scholarship for students of any age to further their education in agricultural studies.
It is named for Grace Honigsberg, who died in 2022, two years after she was seriously injured in a car accident.
Agriculture was a way of life for Honigsberg, who was Miss Frankford Township in 2013 and a graduate of High Point High School. She was very active in Sussex County 4-H as a member in her youth and as a leader of several livestock clubs as an adult.
She was a member of several livestock associations and won top national awards for her livestock. She was the 2013 Sussex County Youth Agricultural Ambassador and a member of the Sussex County Board of Agriculture, receiving the Next Generation of Agriculture Award in 2015.
She also was a member of the New Jersey Farm Bureau and served as past president of the New Jersey Young Farmers and Ag Professionals.
Honigsberg traveled nationally, representing New Jersey at several American Farm Bureau events, with a focus on accurate agriculture education.
The new annual agricultural scholarship of $500 will be awarded to a Sussex County resident interested in a career in agriculture or an agricultural field such as farming of livestock, animal husbandry, horticulture (nursery production, field crop production, hydroponics and vegetable crop production), aquaculture, veterinary farm/large animal medicine, agricultural business or farm equipment maintenance mechanic.
Applicants must be enrolled in or accepted to a college or technical institution program related to agriculture.
The application deadline is April 15.
For information and an application, please contact your high school guidance counselor or the Sussex County Board of Agriculture at 973-948-6800.
The Sussex County Farm and Horse Show Agricultural Division and the Sussex County Agricultural Society also have scholarships available to students of Sussex County who are pursuing a career in agriculture.
Special scholarships are available for farm families whose children are interested in continuing the family farm.
For information, students should contact their high school guidance counselors or Joan Smith at