Sparta boys, girls teams win middle school basketball tournament

HARDYSTON. The township middle school hosts its 41st annual basketball tournament.

Sparta /
| 28 Feb 2023 | 06:17

Hardyston Township Middle School hosted its 41st annual basketball tournament from Feb. 6 to Feb. 10.

The tournament included boys and girls teams from Andover, Byram, Frankford, Franklin, Green Hills, Hardyston, Kittatinny, Lafayette, Newton, Ogdensburg, Sparta, Stanhope, Sussex Christian, Sussex-Wantage, Sussex Charter and Vernon.

Team trophies were awarded for first, second, third and fourth place.

They also were awarded to students selected as All County Team Players and Most Valuable Players.

Here are the results of the tournament.


1st place: Sparta

2nd place: Vernon

3rd place: Kittatinny

4th place: Green


1st place: Sparta

2nd place: Kittatinny

3rd place: Andover

4th place: Byram

All County Team Players

Patrick McCauley of Green

Kaelyn Sabonosh of Sparta

Michael Strong of Kittatinny

Vanessa DeStefano of Kittatinny

Tyler Dobrzynski of Vernon

Cassie Corby of Andover

Zach Kopco of Sparta

Samantha Williams of Byram


Louis Rossi of Sparta

Izzy Van Winkley of Sparta

All award-winning players were selected by participating coaches.