Sussex County architectural styles to be discussed tonight
NEWTON. Wayne McCabe, president of the Sussex County Historical Society, will give a two-part presentation to the Colonel Henry Ryerson Civil War Round Table.

A speaker will discuss the history of architectural styles in Sussex County at the Tuesday, Sept. 19 meeting of the Colonel Henry Ryerson Civil War Round Table.
The group will meet at 7:30 p.m. at the Sussex County Community College Performing Arts Center in the second floor Atrium Room, College Hill Road, Newton. An elevator is available.
Admission is free; donations appreciated.
Wayne McCabe, president of the Sussex County Historical Society, will give a two-part presentation at the September and October meetings.
On Sept. 19, he will cover “The History of Architectural Styles up to and Including the Civil War.”
McCabe, who served for 14 years as the appointed Sussex County historian, has written 16 books about the history of the county, its municipalities, hamlets, villages and the railroads that traversed the county.
The development of his presentation was funded in part by a history regrant from the Sussex County Arts and Heritage Council to the Sussex County Historical Society.
As always, the Round Table also will raffle off some books about numerous aspects of the American Civil War.
For information, call Jennifer Brylinski at 201-320-5989.