Deborah Stevenson’s photo ‘Radiantly Bashful’ wins Best in Show in the ninth annual Xpose exhibit, sponsored by the Sussex County Arts & Heritage Council. (Photos by Nancy Madacsi)

Bonnie McCaffery wins in the People/Pets Category for ‘Girl in a Hat.’

Marv Kaminsky wins in the Flora/Fauna Category for ‘Mantis.’

William Rutkowski wins in the Cityscape/Architecture Category for ‘Memories.’

Debra Morella wins in the Still Life Category for ‘Old Oil Can.’

Virginia Kolstad wins in the Open Category for her photo ‘Angry Bull.’

Joe Fontana, right, who judged the contest, presented an award to Daniel Neiman, who won the Landscape Category award for his photo ‘Japanese Maple.’

Dave Fisher entertains at the exhibit’s opening reception Saturday, Feb. 24 in Newton.

The crowd at the opening reception.
The ninth annual Xpose regional juried photography exhibit, sponsored by the Sussex County Arts & Heritage Council, is on display through March 21 at the SCAHC Gallery, 133 Spring St., Newton.
The winners in various categories were honored at the opening reception and award ceremony Saturday, Feb. 24.
The contest was judged by Joe Fontana, gallery director and auction specialist at Ridgewood Art Galleries. He also is a noted photographer.