Kilduff named Soldier of the Month

Charkh, Afghanistan PFC Brian Kilduff was named May’s soldier of the month or 4th Platoon, Bravo Company. Kilduff, 24, is serving in Afghanistan. He enlisted in the Army in 2010 as an infantryman and attended training at Ft. Benning, Ga., before arriving in Fort Polk, La. He deployed to Afghanistan in support of Operation Enduring Freedom in October 2010. He has served as an RTO, gunner and grenadier. A statement from the Army about his recent honor reads: “PFC Kilduff is an exemplary soldier with great leadership potential. He exhibits excellent technical knowledge and is always first to help fellow soldiers. His hard work, positive attitude and attention to detail have greatly benefited the platoon and he continues to set the standard for his peers to follow.” Kilduff is from Franklin. His father, Jim Kilduff, Franklin’s borough administrator, says that his son’s company is attacked every day. More than one third of the company has received Purple Hearts. Bravo Company is working to secure the Charkh District in southern Afghanistan’s Logar Province. A news story about the Bravo Company written by NPR reporter Quil Lawrence, who is stationed in Afghanistan, describes the conditions the company is working under. The article called “In Afghan Outpost, Sunset Means A New Attaack,” can be found at