Seniors make choices

| 29 Sep 2011 | 01:23

    West Milford - At the end of the school year seniors are reviewing their college acceptance letters and making their choices. The West Milford DECA seniors have no shortage of options to choose from including financial aide packages. Marybeth Oeters received a yearly scholarship of $3,000 for Berkeley School of Business. Cristina LoBianco received a $5,000 a year merit scholarship from Berkeley Manhattan. Lyndsay Wright was honored with $4,750 from Berkeley School of Business and $2,000 from Johnson & Wales. Michael Trainor received a $5,000 per year DECA scholarship along with $5,000 a year from other sources and will be attending Johnson & Wales University in Rhode Island. Kristyn Patalita received $2,500 from Johnson & Wales, $2,000 from Seton Hall and $4,000 from Richard Stockton. Nicole Jussen received a full scholarship to Berkeley School of Business, $1,500 a year for the Fashion Institute of Technology, was eligible for the New Jersey States program and will be attending Rutgers in the fall, on a $5,000 a year scholarship. Clay VanDenBerg received $9,000 from Johnson & Wales plus an additional $4,000. Rachel Wiley received a $1,500 a year scholarship from the University of Maryland, $5,000 a year from Rutgers University, and $13,000 a year from the University of Rhode Island. Thomas Enering received $42,000 a year from Vassar College and $450 from community organizations. The grand total for all senior DECA students is just under $200,000 dollars, a very impressive achievement. JoAnn Blom, the chapter advisor, said.