Band boosters plan meeting
Sparta-Who are the Sparta High School's Band and Orchestra Boosters, once known as "Sparta Instrumental Parents"? The "Boosters" are parents who have a high school student in the band or orchestra program at Sparta High School, and want to encourage the arts in their children's life. They are parents who love to hear music in the schools and at Sparta High School there are many opportunities, including freshman band, two upper classmen concert bands, wind ensemble, freshmen orchestra, upperclassmen symphonic orchestra, two jazz bands, and the Sparta Spartans marching band. All parents are invited to participate in the booster club, a group which uses its time and money to support the band and orchestra programs. In the past, the club has donated money to repair musical instruments, support students on music trips, and help with marching band uniforms and transportation. The club also donates time and baked goods at all of the concerts. In addition, the group helps bring in special musical professional performances. Each year it donates scholarship money to students heading off to college. The first meeting for the new school year will be held at 6:30 p.m. Tuesday, Sept. 14 in the Choir Room at the high school. The 2004-2005 officers are: President Marla Fabian, Vice President of Marching Band Shirley Boushell, Vice President of Concert Bands Kelly Bontventre, Vice President of Jazz Bands Sue Morgan, and club treasurer Nancy Elowson.