Business name: Memories Publishing, Sparta.
Owner: Amanda Reyes.
Milestone: Publication of her children’s book, “Anthony’s Toothy Teamwork Tale.”
The business: Reyes is primarily a dental hygienist who works on her book and does school visits during her free time.
Most rewarding customer service story: Getting my first 5-star Google review.
Business challenges: Self-publishing a book definitely has its costs in order to make it something that will help others.
Favorite book, movie, video game, TV show, etc. Why? “Anthony’s Toothy Teamwork Tale” because it was my passion to write it!!
Hobbies when not working: Spending time with my family, cooking, gardening, relaxing with friends. I am also an avid animal lover, so taking care of our three dogs and a cat also takes up a lot of my time.
Who has inspired you most and why? Throughout my life, my mom has been my greatest inspiration. She has always encouraged me to accomplish my goals. She taught me that hard work pays off and that I can do anything I put my mind to. But most importantly, she has taught me to be a strong yet compassionate person.
Website: http://www.memoriespublishing.com
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