Climate debate
Environment. Sussex County Community College (SCCC) and the First United Methodist Church to hold Climate Change Debate on Saturday, Dec. 14.

There are certainly different opinions on the effects - or non-effects - of climate change. An event in December aims to tackle that issue head-on.
Doctors and professionals from the academic and environmental fields will be guest speakers when Sussex County Community College and First United Methodist Church host a debate and discussion at the church, on Saturday, Dec. 14
The event, free and open to the public, takes place at the church, located at 111 Ryerson Avenue, Newton, from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m.
The climate change event will be moderated by Dr. Jon Connolly, Sussex County Community College President.
The featured guest speakers include:
Dr. William Happer, National Security Council
As part of President Trump's National Security Council, Happer is pushing the White House to challenge the government's official assessment of climate change, which calls climate change a serious national security threat.
Dr. Laurel Kearns, Drew University, Associate Professor of Sociology, Religion & Environmental Studies
Dr. Kearns has researched, published and given talks around the globe on religion and environmentalism for more than 20 years. She has also contributed to works such as "Religion in Environmental and Climate Change."
Robert Larrson, SCCC, Associate Professor of Environmental Science
During Larrson's sabbatical in 2016, while in the Peace Corps Response, he observed impacts of climate change in Micronesia. Most recently, he has developed a course in Clean Energy Technology.
Dr. Patrick J. Michaels, Climatologist and Author
Dr. Michaels is a Senior Fellow with the Competitive Enterprise Institute and CO2 Coalition. He has published numerous articles on climate or its impact in peer-reviewed scientific literature and is the author of nine books on climate change and society.
Dr. Sandra Passchier, Montclair State University, Professor of Earth & Environmental Studies
Dr. Passchier's research interests are focused on understanding changes in the behavior of ice-sheets under different climate states using data from the sediment archives within glaciated continental margins. Light refreshments will be served.
For more information contact Rev. Todd Lattig, 973-383-4450, or Dr. Connolly, 973-300-2120.