Exhibit to feature local artists
SPARTA. “Discover the ART in SpARTa” is the theme of the Sparta Historical Society’s spring exhibit.

The Sparta Historical Society will present “Discover the ART in SpARTa” as its spring exhibit
It will open in April and continue to July.
The deadline for submissions is Feb. 15.
Submissions are limited to photography and fine arts: oil, watercolor, pastels, acrylics, photographs, pencil/ink/charcoal, wood, glass, jewelry, computer-generated, graphic arts, mixed media, pottery, sculpture, stained glass, etc.
The final work can be no larger than 20 inches by 24 inches, including the frame. Lower display cases can hold works no larger than 8 inches by 11 inches vertical and/or 11 inches by 14 inches horizontally
All entries must be the original work of the artist and be family friendly.
Works must be labeled on the back with the artist’s name, title, media and price (or NFS if not for sale).
Labels will be sent with acceptance notification.
Two-dimensional works must be framed and wired ready for hanging; no saw tooth hangers. Artists may be required to supply pedestals for three-dimensional works.
No portfolio pieces will be accepted in this exhibit.
For information, send email to spartahistoricalsocnj@gmail.com or call 973-726-0883 as soon as possible for the exhibit prospectus and application.
The Sparta Historical Society is located at the Van Kirk Homestead Museum, 336 Main St. (Rte. 517, use Middle School Driveway), Sparta.
Funding has been made available in part by the New Jersey Historical Commission through the County History Partnership Program as administered by the Sussex County Arts & Heritage Council.