Free social program for senior citizens at Sit 'n Chat Diner
The Center for Prevention and Counseling will host a 6 week “Wellness Initiative for Senior Education” Winter Social Series at the Sit ‘n Chat Diner in Sussex, NJ at 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. on Tuesdays from Nov. 12 to Dec 16, 2019. Encouraging a celebration of the aging process, WISE is a six-week wellness program for those aged 55 and up, with topics including medications, communication, and healthy lifestyle choices. Complimentary breakfast will be provided at each session and a gift card incentive is provided to participants who attend 5 out of 6 WISE sessions. Registration is on a first come first serve basis and only those who have not previously attended are eligible. Funding for this program is provided by New Jersey Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services. To sign up or, for more information, contact Catherine at (973)383-4787 Ext. 231 or email .