Future Business Leaders to host March of Dimes virtual fundraiser
Hamburg. “Please join us in our fight for healthier babies!” say the organizers at Wallkill Valley Regional High School, who are working diligently to overcome the challenges presented by COVID-19 this year.

The Wallkill Valley Regional High School chapter of Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA) will host a virtual Super Night 2.0 for the benefit of the March of Dimes on Saturday, Nov. 14, and Sunday, Nov. 15.
Super Night event is usually an in-person lock-in at the high school, but this is not possible in the era of Covid-19. Charlotte Gough and Isabelle Stecher, FBLA community service vice presidents, and the Super Night 2.0 Committee have been working diligently to overcome this year’s challenges. Activities include a welcome from the March of Dimes Ambassador Family, Zoom Watch Party, Costume Contest, Design a T-Shirt Contest, and Among Us Marathon.
Wallkill Valley’s March of Dimes “telethon” will run from Nov. 9 through 13. Visit marchforbabies.org/team/supernight to make your donation.
Medals and gift card prizes will be awarded for the various events. A $300 Visa gift card will be awarded to the Wallkill Valley student who raises the most money. Keep checking the FBLA Instagram account, @wallkillfbla, daily for details on signing up for the events and the Zoom links. Super Night 2.0 begins at 7 p.m. on Nov. 14 and 4 p.m. on Nov. 15.
The coronavirus has significantly affected the March of Dimes, which has reached only 40 percent of the normal donations to date. Wallkill Valley FBLA members are committed to spreading awareness about premature birth, fighting for healthier babies, and raising funds for research.
Super Night 2019 raised $14,510 for the March of Dimes, and Wallkill Valley students and the community are encouraged to join the 2020 Super Night 2.0 telethon and pledge a donation to match or surpass last year. The Super Night 2.0 Committee encourages all participants to raise a minimum of $50 and to get the word out to family and friends — locally and across the country.
“Please join us in our fight for healthier babies!” the organizers say.