History talk planned for SCCC
NEWTON. Learn about the true origins of the Civil War.

The Center for Lifelong Learning at Sussex County Community College (SCCC), a collaboration between the Sussex County Department of Health and Human Services, Division of Senior Services, and SCCC is hosting a free presentation in September on the US Civil War.
On Friday, September 23, at 3 p.m., in the Atrium of the Performing Arts Center at SCCC, Jason Boehm will present “Walking-Through History: How did the Civil War really start?”
The US Civil War has long been thought to have started when Confederate troops fired on Fort Sumter in April of 1861. While this moment still stands as the official start of what would become a devastating four-year war between the states, the events leading to Fort Sumter were precipitated by an amalgamation of various events and misunderstandings.
Boehm will walk the audience through the raid on Harpers Ferry, led by abolitionist John Brown and his band of compatriots, which was one of the most impactful and well-documented events leading up to the battle at Fort Sumter.
Boehm is an adjunct faculty member at SCCC. He is a graduate of SCCC and Rutgers-Newark, graduating summa cum laude with a bachelor’s degree in US history before going on to the graduate program at Rutgers where he earned a master’s degree in US History. His studies there focused mainly on hegemony, labor, and cultural development in US history.
Boehm is the recipient of the 2019 Sydney Zebel Award for Academic Excellence in US History, the Hazel Vera Dean Scholarship, and is a member of several academic honor societies, most recently Phi Alpha Theta, an honor society for undergraduate, graduate, and professors of history.
Boehm is the administrative coordinator for the Rutgers School of Arts and Sciences-Newark (SASN) Philosophy Department, the special administrative coordinator to the SASN Office of the Dean of Faculty, and an elected member of the RU-N staff council, an advisory body to the Chancellor of Rutgers Newark. Living with his wife and two young children in Sussex County, Boehm is committed to contributing to the well-being and continued education of the community.
Pre-registration is requested for this event, and space is limited. Contact the Sussex County Division of Senior Services at 973-579-0555, ext. 1277 or via email at seniorservices@sussex.nj.us for additional information or to pre-register.