IBEW donates $50,000 to Project Help
PARSIPPANY. The union chooses a different charity each year to benefit from its Bike Run and Car Show.

Project Help, a local charity serving veterans in need, received more than $50,000 in proceeds from the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW) Local 102’s 11th annual Bike Run and Car Show on Sept. 14.
The union, based in Parsippany, chooses a different charity to benefit from the event each year. Project Help also received the proceeds in 2019.
“We are so grateful to the IBEW for their generous support of our mission to serve veterans. It is hard to express how much this means to us,” said Sandy Mitchell, founder and executive director of Project Help.
“2024 was without a doubt the most challenging year ever as it relates to fundraising,” she added.
Local 102 members also assist with Project Help’s annual toy drive, which serves more than 400 veterans and their families.
Project Help provides emergency assistance to veteran families in New Jersey and Florida.
For information, send email to Sandy@ProjectHelp.us