Inganamort visits alma mater

SPARTA. State Assemblyman talks to Model United Nations Club, Student Council, AP government class.

Sparta /
| 01 Mar 2025 | 10:17

State Assemblyman Michael Inganamort, a 2002 graduate of Sparta High School, returned to his alma mater Feb. 12 to meet with students, talk to the Model United Nations Club, and answer students’ questions about New Jersey and U.S. government.

Members of the Model U.N. Club were preparing for their trip to Washington, D.C., where they were to compete in a national Model U.N. competition.

“The Model United Nation delegates benefited from hearing Assemblyman Inganamort speak about working with both sides of the aisle,” said Shannon Psensky, history teacher and the club’s adviser.

“This advice was valuable during their time at the Model United Nation Conference in Washington, D.C. The delegates needed to work with those on the other side of the issue to help them create compromises within their committees.”

Inganamort, R-24, said, “It’s wonderful that Sparta High School has a robust program to expose students to different systems of government from around the world. From my experience, this not only enhances students’ knowledge about the ways in which governments work but also grows their appreciation for the unique system we have in the United States, rooted in our Constitution and Bill of Rights.”

He also met with members of the Student Council to discuss issues facing the school community and visited an AP Government class.

“I was thrilled to return to Sparta High School and see so many students so deeply invested in learning about their government,” hr said. “It’s important for young people to understand how their voices can be heard locally and at the state and federal levels. I was really impressed by the students who are dedicated to expanding their knowledge and making a difference.”