Local manager honored for support of food pantry

| 23 May 2014 | 02:11

— Representatives of the Sparta Ecumenical Food Pantry and Sparta Kiwanis presented a plaque to Sparta Stop and Shop store manager Bill Diffin to demonstrate their appreciation for his and the store’s associates sustaining year round support of the program.

As part of the ceremony Diffin presented a check for $6,231 to the Sparta Ecumenical Food Pantry from Sparta Stop and Shop’s Food for Friends program.

The Sparta Kiwanis, which collects food and donations regularly outside the Stop and Shop, are grateful to the community and also to Sparta Stop and Shop for its assistance that has enabled the group to collect and donate over $5,300 and 75 shopping baskets of food, all which has been donated to the Sparta Ecumenical Food Pantry in 2013.

The Sparta Ecumenical Council Food Pantry is located at the First Presbyterian Church of Sparta, 32 Main St. in Sparta.

Food and monetary donations are accepted. For more information contact Valerie Macchio at valerie@cornerstonemkt.com.

Sparta Kiwanis gather every Thursday with a dinner meeting at Homers Restaurant in Sparta starting at 7:00 p.m.

New members are always welcome.

For more information visit www.SpartaKiwanis.org or contact Mike Zingaro at mzingaro53@gmail.com.