Meet Brody

| 31 May 2024 | 12:21


Male dog. About 8 months old and 46 pounds.



Brody and his siblings were another product of an owner not fixing their dogs. He was one of the first in his litter to be adopted. However, he was returned because of the husband’s allergies that were unknown because Brody was his first dog.

The family said Brody is an awesome, sweet boy who got along with “every dog that ever lived, he is amazing.”

He is friendly with people and got along with their children but was too playful for their cat.

Brody is food-motivated and was learning basic commands and potty training while he was with with his former family. We are confident that his new family should easily be able to continue his training.

Please help Brody find the loving home he deserves.


One Step Closer Animal Rescue (OSCAR)

P.O. Box 248

Sparta, NJ 07871
