Monochrome photography workshop

SPARTA — Arik Gorban is photographer and photography instructor who focuses on the creative aspects of the photographic art form. He will be holding a workshop in monochrome photography on Wednesday, March 14, at 7:00 pm, at the Sparta Ambulance Building, 14 Sparta Ave. , Sparta.
Gorban has over forty years experience in the complete photographic process, including analog photography, darkroom work, and extensive digital imaging. He frequently judges photo contests and juried photography exhibits, presents on photography, and exhibits his fine art photography. A recipient of numerous awards in photo contests, his work has been published in the US and internationally.
On March 14, Gorban will hold a workshop and discuss digital black and white photography and creative seeing. The session will include a presentation and a demonstration of B&W conversion and post processing of B&W images. Gorban will discuss when to consider B&W, what makes B&W work, how to identify opportunities for creative B&W photography, and how to process B&W for best results. The demonstration will cover conversion techniques and creative enhancement of B&W images, using various software tools.
The ideas and techniques presented will be applicable to images captured by any type of camera. Post processing will apply to digital images that are either captured by a digital camera or scanned. The demonstration will concentrate on teaching approaches, not Photoshop techniques. Other digital imaging applications can provide similar functionality.