More outdoor recreation re-opens today
New Jersey. Archery ranges, batting cages, golf driving ranges, horseback riding, shooting ranges, and tennis clubs can open up.

Restrictions that stemmed from the coranavirus outbreak in New Jersey, one of the hardest-hit states in the country, are beginning to loosen.
Starting May 22, certain outdoor activities at recreational businesses in New Jersey may reopen with social distancing measures in place. These businesses include archery ranges, batting cages, golf driving ranges, horseback riding, shooting ranges, and tennis clubs.
Gatherings of vehicles, such as drive-in movies or religious services, are allowed, so long as all participants remain in their cars.
Recreational and entertainment activities prohibited under the governor's executive order are also prohibited from taking place within the brick-and-mortar premises of essential retail businesses that are permitted to remain open as well as within the facilities of public, private, and parochial preschool programs, or elementary and secondary schools, including charter and renaissance schools that remain closed to students.
Golf courses may open so long as they adopt minimum social distancing policies.
New Jersey car and motorcycle dealers along with bike shops shuttered during the COVID-19 pandemic were allowed to reopen for in-person sales on May 20.
Two-week trends for hospitalizations, use of ventilators and intensive care units for patients are down across the state, factors leading to the phasing in of certain parts of the economy, Gov. Phil Murphy said. For most people, the virus causes mild or moderate symptoms that clear up within weeks. Older adults and people with existing health problems are at higher risk of more severe illness or death.
The state has 152,719 confirmed coronavirus cases as of May 21, with 10,985 deaths from COVID-19. Sussex County has 1,075 confirmed cases and 141 deaths.