Police work impresses former mayor

SPARTA. Mike LaRose praises officers for their handling of homeless woman’s case.

Sparta /
| 08 Jul 2024 | 10:58

While running errands one Sunday morning last month, something caught the eye of former mayor Mike LaRose as he walked out of the local 7-Eleven.

Thinking that someone may be in need, he called a dispatcher at the Sparta Township Police Department.

What followed made a lasting impression on him.

“I noticed a pile of blankets and some clothing but then I saw what looked to be the bottom of a shoe, so I thought there might be a person under all of this,” said LaRose, a 49-year resident of Sparta.

“I decided not to touch or rustle anything. I was afraid that if there was a person under there, I may disturb them. Secondly, and I hate to say this, but if they weren’t alive, I did not want to touch them. I called 911.”

Moments after describing the scene to police dispatcher Dan Koteras, an officer arrived.

“As Officer Jonathan Poon departed his vehicle, he acknowledged my presence and immediately began his assessment of the circumstances,” recalled LaRose. “After some review, he probed the pile with his nightstick and sure enough there was a person underneath all this material. His evaluation was carried out in such a precise manner that it struck me as being literally surgical in nature.”

Apparently, Poon’s initial evaluation resulted in a positive outcome.

“The individual in question is homeless and she was given aid that day by our department,” Capt. Thomas Snyder said. “Specifically, she was driven to our headquarters to wait for a ride.”

LaRose was impressed with how the police handled the matter.

“I waited a while to contact the department again to see what the outcome was,” he said. “Upon contacting them, the dispatcher informed me that although there was a person in distress, it was not a traumatic situation which all ended well and thanked me for my involvement.

“It turns out Sgt. Joseph Antonello, who helped me with this matter, has recently been promoted to lieutenant. In my dealings with him, he proved to be quite personable, professional and dedicated.

“Chief Jeffrey McCarrick, Capt. Tom Snyder, Lt. Frank Schomp and Lt. Adam Carbery not only hit a home run with this promotion, they slammed it well into the next time zone. I was not only impressed with these officers. I was proud.”