Project Help names new Vice President.
A&E. The new vice president of Project Help, Jeremy Curcio, has served as a U.S. Marine and studied Business Management at University of Maryland University College and is working towards his MBA at Temple University.

Jeremy Curcio of Stockholm was recently elected to the position of Vice President of Project Help, Inc. His dedication to the military and veterans made him a natural fit for the position. He has a long time relationship with the organization and its founder, Sandy Mitchell, and the entire Mitchell family. Jeremy was part of Project Help from the beginning and even when not available to actively participate, he kept abreast of what was happening within the organization.
Jeremy held the rank of Gunnery Sergeant. He began his service in the Marine Corps immediately after graduating West Milford High School in June 2004. Serving as flight crew member on the KC-130 and DC-9 aircraft for his first 10 years, he traveled throughout the world, including multiple deployments. Jeremy spent majority of his first few years conducting humanitarian missions after Hurricane Katrina, as well as tragedies that occurred in the Philippines and Indonesia.
Additionally, Jeremy was responsible for secondary roles which included: Operations Manager, Financial Manager, OSHA Safety Manager, and Martial Arts Instructor.
Jeremy volunteered for recruiting duty and ultimately, became a Career Recruiter. This five year chapter of his Marine Corps career was exciting and he gained many invaluable skills, including networking through community outreach and negotiations as a New Jersey Liaison for Marine Corps Recruiting at the Brooklyn Military Entrance Processing Station. These skills will be well spent as Vice President of Project Help.
He has also studied Business Management at University of Maryland University College and is working towards his MBA at Temple University.
Jeremy retired from the Marine Corps on December 31, 2019 and was in place to take on the role of Vice President of Project Help. He shares the same drive, passion, and long-term vision as the Founder. “This country’s approach to taking care of our military has improved drastically since my grandfather served in the Battle of the Bulge and my father in-law served in Vietnam; yet there are still so many gaps to be filled and Project Help will not rest until that mission is accomplished!” said Jeremy.
Jeremy is married and has three children and another on the way. His family is equally patriotic and selfless; they are proud to be a part of the Project Help team as well! He also serves as an assistant Cub Scout leader for Pack 90 in Franklin. He co-led the Pack in a toy drive for the children of NJ veterans, where they collected 150 toys.
Project Help’s mission is to serve veterans and their families when they fall upon hard times, need help with career opportunities, or just need guidance out of a situation. To get involved with Project Help, please go to the website at to contact them.