Robotics team going to World Championships
SPARTA. The 5249 Z “Mirage” team double-qualifies at the New Jersey VEX VRC Robotics State Championships.

All five Sparta High School Robotics sub teams competed at the New Jersey VEX VRC Robotics State Championships on Saturday, March 15 against the 42 best teams in New Jersey.
The 5249 Z “Mirage” team had an outstanding day by double-qualifying for the World Championships to be held at the Kay Bailey Hutchison Center in Dallas.
This is the sixth time in Sparta Robotics’ 13-year history that a team has made it to the World Championships.
The Z team is the most award-winning Sparta Robotics team in the history of the program. Among those awards:
• State Championship Design Award.
• Triple-qualifying for the New Jersey State Championships.
• One Tournament Champion Award.
• Three Tournament Finalist Awards.
• Currently ranked in the top 1 percent worldwide in skills of 14,000 competing high school and middle school teams from 53 countries.
5249 Z team members are Shannon Lloyd, Mahanth Chintha, Liam Askin, Yahet Ferrer, Juliette Amiel, Josh Garces, Michael Ginsberg and Leah Adrini.
Lloyd, 5249 Z co-captain, said, ”I’m very proud of how our team was able to successfully demonstrate both our technical performance and our communication skills at states by earning our way into the World Championship. “I’m excited to compete on a global level and continue to contribute to the Sparta Robotics legacy!”
Chintha, also co-captain, said, ”I believe that we had an incredible season. Not only did we win many awards, we strengthened our teamwork and gained valuable experience.”
Askin, 5249 Z’s lead computer science engineer, said he is very excited to return to Dallas “with this incredible group of people.” “All the effort was worth it.”
Garces, 5249 Z’s computer science engineer, said, ”After three years in Sparta Robotics, earning the Design Award, being the most accomplished Sparta team and qualifying for Worlds is the perfect way to cap off my senior year. It’s an incredible feeling to see all our hard work and dedication pay off on the biggest stage.”
The 5249 S team received the coveted Josh Award, which goes to a team that has made a significant and notable achievement during the competitive season.
It was given in recognition of the third-tier elevation that 5249 S was able to demonstrate reliably and repeatedly at different competitions, including the state championship.