Sparta introduces measure to redevelop landfill
Sparta. The Sparta Township Council introduced an ordinance for a redevelopment plan on the property that houses the former landfill. Councilman Dan Chiariello voted against introduction. Public hearing is scheduled for Sept. 14.

The Sparta Township Council on Aug. 10 introduced an ordinance for a development plan on the former Sparta Landfill.
The ordinance passed by a 3-1 majority with Councilman Dan Chiariello voting against it. Mayor Christine Quinn was absent.
There will be a public hearing on the ordinance to be followed by possible adoption on Sept. 14.
The ordinance, if improved, would declare the property, located at 15 Prices Lane as a “non-condemnation area in need of redevelopment.” The township had Benecke Economics prepare a redevelopment plan for the property. The plan is dated Aug. 10, 2021.
The Township Planning Board will have 45 days to make its recommendation concerning the plan, and the report must identify any plan provisions that would be inconsistent with the township’s Master Plan. The Planning Board can make any recommendations it deems appropriate.
Planner Chelsea Gleis said the redevelopment plan is tool to make sure that something productive happens on the site that is consistent with the township’s Master Plan.