Sparta. The Saint Kateri Columbian Squires Circle #5177 recently provided a donation to Project Help for their continued work to support local military veterans. Chief Squire Nick Furnari and Notary Squire Riley Maldonado presented a check on behalf of the Sparta youth group to Sandy Mitchell, the founder of Project Help. Mitchell thanked the group for their support and patriotism. “This donation reinforces our recently launched Project Respect initiative where support of military veterans is a key component,” said Squires Chief Counselor Nick Cutrone. The Squires are the youth leadership branch of the Knights of Columbus for boys ages 10 to 17. For more information, contact Cutrone at cutronekofc@gmail.com. For information on Project Help, visit projecthelp.us. Pictured: Squire Nick Furnari and Notary Squire Riley Maldonado present a donation check to Sandy Mitchell of Project Help in front of the Sparta VFW building. (Photo provided)