Sparta United Methodist for the community

Sparta — A primary focus of the Sparta United Methodist Church (SUMC) is to take every opportunity to contribute to the vitality and welfare of the larger community. In addition to welcoming everyone who comes through the doors, the church provides a multitude of services and assistance, not only to Sparta residents, but also to people throughout Sussex County and beyond. SUMC has become a home for groups who serve the community, including the Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts, the League of Women Voters, Rainbows, Alcoholics Anonymous, Katie’s House, Al Anon, the Safety Village, and the American Association of University Women.
The church is committed to reaching out to those in need. Assistance in a variety of ways is available to qualifying individuals and families. Through the Church’s “Feed the Body, Feed the Soul” program, free lunches are distributed periodically. In partnership with the Family Promise program, SUMC is one of the participating churches in Sussex County who offer temporary shelter to those who are homeless.
The church has many distinctive features open to all. On the grounds is a labyrinth that provides the opportunity for prayer, meditation, or a peaceful place to walk and enjoy the open air. For the first time this year, the summer Vacation Bible School program will include an all-day option. This is a special week for children to experience fun while participating in exciting, faith-based activities. The church also hosts many other diverse programs, including concerts, international speakers, and veterans’ forums. In addition to two services on Sunday mornings, SUMC offers truly exceptional faith opportunities, such as contemplative worship (a quiet, reflective experience) and a “blessing of the animals,” where pets receive special attention and prayers.
Perhaps the most unique outreach offering of SUMC is through the bustling thrift shop, the “Church Mouse.” In addition to providing a place for the repurposing of otherwise unwanted goods, the proceeds received through the sale of these items are given back to the community in the form of charitable contributions to many worthwhile organizations including, Manna House, People Help, the Sussex County Food Pantry, Samaritan Inn, Pathways to Prosperity, the YMCA, and many more.
For information about any of the services and programs available at SUMC, visit us at, or call the church office at 973-729-7773. All are welcome at SUMC!