Steel drum concert today at museum

SPARTA. Michael Dettra will perform in the Van Kirk Homestead Museum’s first summer concert to coincide with the spring exhibit on the many ways metals affect our daily lives.

Sparta /
| 21 Jul 2024 | 07:45

Michael Dettra, a pannist, will perform Sunday, July 21 in the Van Kirk Homestead Museum’s first summer concert to coincide with the spring exhibit on the many ways metals affect our daily lives.

The concert is from 4 to 5 p.m.

Dettra, who plays steel drums, specializes in thematic historical music programs with informative narratives.

The concert is free for members of the Sparta Historical Society and $10 for nonmembers.

Bring a lawn chair, hat and picnic basket. Rain date is 4 p.m. Sunday, July 28

The museum will be closed July 21 but will be open July 28 for the final day of the exhibit “Metals: From Earth to Form and Fashion.”

In August, the museum will highlight its wagon barn in the transportation exhibit, Colonial kitchen and mining exhibit.

The fall art pottery exhibit opens in September.