Students invited to enter ‘Design a Pin Contest’ for veterans salute
Newton. The pin design must be submitted by June 4. The winning design will appear on pins that will be given to all local veterans.

Sussex County students in grades 6, 7, and 8 are invited to submit a pin design expressing their support and appreciation to local veterans, while gaining an understanding of what the veterans have contributed and sacrificed. Entries from students who are home schooled will also be accepted.
Each year the winning entry of the “Design a Pin Contest” is made into a pin that’s given to all veterans at the Salute to Military Veterans Parade held at the Sussex County Fairgrounds in November.
The contest is sponsored by the Sussex County Board of Commissioners, the Department of Health and Human Services, Division of Senior Services, and the Sussex County Veterans Committee.
The rules are as follows:
● The actual pin size will be one inch by one inch (the drawing for the design can be larger to show details). All designs must be hand drawn. Computer images will not be accepted.
● The pin design must include the words “Sussex County” and the year 2021.
● The pin design must be submitted no later than June 4 to the Sussex County Division of Senior Services, One Spring Street, Newton, NJ 07860. The following information must be submitted with each design entry: school name; student’s grade, name, address, and phone number (parents will be personally contacted by the pin design chairperson; school point of contact (name and phone number).
● All entries will be reviewed and judged by members of the Veterans of Foreign Wars and the American Legion. One contest winner will be selected. Student and school information will not be provided to the judges in order to ensure fairness.
● The winner will be asked to be present at the Sussex County Salute to Military Veterans Parade at the Sussex County Fairgrounds, Plains Road, Frankford, on Sunday, Nov. 7. The winner will receive a cash award.
● The winner, their parents, and the school will be contacted by the contest chairperson when a decision is rendered.
For more information call the Sussex County Division of Senior Services at 973-579-0555 ext. 1226 or email