Sussex County seeks nominees for Senior of the Year
This is a chance to honor the seniors in your life who have made great contributions to our community. Nominees must be residents of Sussex County, at least 60 years old, and role models.
The Sussex County Department of Health and Human Services, Division of Senior Services is in search of nominations for the “2022 Sussex County Senior of the Year.” Do you know a Sussex County senior citizen who is a role model, who supports the community through volunteer efforts, supportive activities, and advocacy on behalf of older adults and issues pertaining directly to them? Perhaps the special senior you have in mind may bring food to the needy, work with veterans, or drive seniors to appointments. The quality of life for their community would not be the same without all their efforts. Nominating this individual as Sussex County’s Senior of the Year is the perfect way to acknowledge all of their selfless acts, dedication, and support to the Sussex County community. Nominees must be residents of Sussex County, at least 60 years old, and role models.
Senior Day at the New Jersey State Fair will be held on Thursday, August 11, from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., under the Performing Arts Tent. The Award Ceremony will take place at 10:30 a.m., and all nominees must be present. Each nominee will be recognized at the Award Ceremony for their commitment to their community and to their peers. Immediately following this segment of the ceremony, the Sussex County Senior of the Year will be named.
The nomination form is available at, or by contacting the Division of Senior Services at 973-579-0555, ext. 1221. Nominations must be submitted by July 11. Please send completed forms to the Sussex County Department of Health and Human Services, Division of Senior Services, 1 Spring Street, Newton, NJ, 07860, by email at, or fax to 973-579-0550.
The Sussex County Senior of the Year selection will be based on the information provided on the application. Therefore, it is imperative that the information included on the application be accurate, complete, and specifies all of the volunteer services the nominee participates in or performs.