Teacher named STEM role model

SPARTA. Local resident Pedro Azonca teaches at East Orange STEM Academy.

Sparta /
| 13 May 2023 | 02:31

Pedro Azonca of Sparta was named the “I CAN STEM” role model for April by the New Jersey STEM Pathways Network (NJSPN).

STEM stands for science, technology, engineering and math.

Azonca teaches at East Orange STEM Academy as a technology lead.

He has been in the technology field for more than 18 years.

He earned a bachelor’s degree from Rutgers University and a master’s in education media design & technology from Full Sail University.

Throughout his career, Azonca has written curriculums for robotics engineering as well as Digital Media Design and production for beginners to advanced kids.

He has spent his past 13 summers teaching robotics engineering and film editing at the Kean University Upward Bound TRIO program.

His motto is “the day I stop learning is the day I will stop teaching.”

Through “I CAN STEM,” the NJSPN aims to increase the diversity of the state’s STEM work force and academic pipelines.

“I CAN STEM” highlights diverse STEM role models so all students will be able to see themselves participating and succeeding in STEM courses and careers. Each year, 12 “I CAN STEM” New Jersey Role Models are highlighted, one each month.

The role models are identified through an online nomination process.

Nominations for 2024 will begin in September. Anyone can submit a nomination that meets the diversity criteria and works in New Jersey in a STEM field. The nomination form will be available at njstempathways.org