UPDATED: 10,000th blood donation to be celebrated today

SPARTA. Saint Kateri Parish has hosted drives with New Jersey Blood Services for more than two decades.

Sparta /
| 20 Jul 2024 | 06:57

New Jersey Blood Services (NJBS) will host a blood drive from 7:45 a.m. to 1:45 p.m. Saturday, July 20 at the Saint Kateri Parish, 427 Stanhope Ave., Sparta.

The drive will celebrate the parish’s 10,000th blood donation since it began hosting blood drives with NJBS more than two decades ago.

The achievement will be celebrated with refreshments and an award presentation from NJBS.

To make an appointment to donate blood, call 800-933-2566 or go online to donate.nybc.org/donor/schedules/drive_schedule/315265

NJBS announced a blood emergency last month after a period of low donor turnout and the start of the critical summer period for the blood supply.

Seasonal travel, school breaks and a rise in traumatic accidents during the summer months often strain the blood supply and lead to shortages.

A single donation can save multiple lives. Roughly one in seven hospital admissions require a blood transfusion.