Veterans Day in Sparta

| 11 Nov 2018 | 06:03

Sparta VFW Post 7248 hosted a commemoration of Veterans Day, Nov. 11, 2018 at the monument in front of the VFW at 66 Main Street. Representatives of civic groups including the Boy Scouts, police, veterans, seniors, and the township, laid wreaths and flowers at the memorial. Among the speakers was Howard L. Burrell who challenged the many attendees to go beyond rote thanks to veterans. He said to instead strive for effective care for veterans and for unity amid a culture of division.
After the ceremony Burrell emphasized the need to avoid using veterans as "tools" to make social or political points.
"We're the ones ...sailing the ship, flying the planes. And once we do that, the country has promised care afterward. But what about the physical and emotional toll this takes on us? And what about some help from our country? The high rates of divorce...and suicide. According to the Veterans Administration there are 22 (suicides) per day. There's only 24 hours in a day. That's almost one (suicide) per hour."
What does Burrell see as the answer? "We need people to stop hating one another, and to instead be indivisible." he said. "Individible means exactly that; Let's not be divided."