'Vettes to Vets' returns to the Chatterbox

Augusta — The Sussex County Department of Human Services, Division of Senior Services, Municipal Alliance and the Veterans Committee, together with the Pocono Mountains Corvette Club will be hosting the 4th Annual, “Vettes to Vets”, veterans outreach program. All veterans and their family members are welcome at the Chatterbox Restaurant, located at One State Route 15, Augusta, on Friday, September 9 from 5 to 8 p.m.
This program provides the opportunity for veterans to obtain information on services available through the Veterans Administration, various Sussex County agencies, and other local service organizations. The agencies who will be participating in the program are the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, New Jersey Department of Military Affairs, Sussex County Division of Senior Services, Sussex County Municipal Alliance, and the Sussex County Mental Health Board.
Each veteran who visits the agency tables will receive a $5 coupon towards their food purchase at The Chatterbox for that day.
For additional information, please contact the Sussex County Department of Human Services, Division of Senior Services at 973-579-0555 ext.1221 or seniorservices@sussex.nj.us.